Discrimination banned in Calif by Brown
California Governor Edmund
G. Brown Jr. issued an executive order this week which prohibits discrimination in state employ ment on the basis of an individual's sexual preference. The order applies to all agencies, departments, boards and commissions of the Executive Branch of the state government under the jurisdiction of the Governor. The issuance of the order appeared to have gone unnoticed by the press in the flurry of events in. Sacramento caused by the Lieutenant Governor the day Brown's departure for Africa.
This is only the second such
order ever issued by a governor of any state. The first was issued in 1975 by former Pennsylvania Governor Milton Shapp. Prior to leaving office last year, Shapp reissued an even stronger order protecting gays.
Under the order just issued by Governor Brown, the State Personnel Board is given the authority to carry out the order and to remedy violations to it.
The order appears to be the outgrowth of several years work with the Governor by civil liberties and human rights organiza-
GEAR Survey
tions. "Soon after, the Consenting Adults Bill was enacted by the Legislature in 1976, Pennsylvania, Governor Milton Shapp contacted Governor Brown at my request, urging him to issue an executive order similar to the one which was just signed by the Governor this week," remarked Los Angeles attorney Thomas F. Coleman. Coleman, who is co-chair of the National Committee for Sexual Civil Liberties, added, "This has been a continuing effort for several years and it is heartening to
Once again the survival of the Cleveland Gay Community Center is HOTLINE
in jeopardy. The absence of funds to cover rent, utilities and miscellaneous expenses threatens the continued operation of the Hotline and Rap Groups. A group of concerned gays put together this survey in an effort to learn whether others feel that the Center provides a worthwhile service to the community. The survey asks gays 1) if they think the Center should continue current activities, 2) if it should expand programs, and 3) if they have suggestions regarding ways the Center could obtain a reliable source of financial support.
We are asking you to complete the survey and then either mail it to GCC, P.O. Box 6177, or return if in person to the Center at 1012 Sumner Court, next to Dimensions. Discuss it with friends and urge them to complete one. Your interest and support is appreciated. If possible, return the survey by May 10.
1. The Gay Community Center (GCC) should expand programming into social and recreational
2. I would consider participating if the GCC offered (check as many as desired):
...bowling,,, trips to area concerts,...chess,,...sports events, etc., excursions out of town, ...other (specify).
3. I think other gays would participate if GCC offered: ...bowling,...bridge, pool,,, trips to area concerts,...chess,, ...sports events, etc., excursions out of town, ...other (specify),
4. The GCC should continue and expand its program to include the following support to gays.:
(Check as many as desired)
a....counseling by gay volunteers
b....information and referral to psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers who are able to counsel gays with emotional, mental, interpersonal problems.
c....information and referral to attorneys' who accept/have worked with gay clients and the legal issues they face
d....information and referral to medical doctors known to treat and be sympathetic to the concerns of gay people.
e....other (specify)
5. The GCC should continue and expand the following educational activities (check as many as desired):
a....rap sessions on topics of concern to gay men and women, b....guest speakers and panels who are knowledgeable about sues of interest to the gay community
c....workshops of varying durations and facilitated by "expert" resource people
d....other (specify).
6. Which if any of the following activities might you utilize or participate in if they were offered by the GCC (check as many as desired): a....rap/discussion groups,
c....speaker and/or panel forums,
d....information and referral services.
7. Do you have any suggestions for other activities that the GCC
could sponsor? If so, what?
8. Can you think of any methods whereby the Gay Community Center can raise money to insure its continued operation: If yes, How?
We'd appreciate the following information so as to obtain a general idea of who the survey respondents are. (Of course, since the survey is completed anonymously, we shall not specifically know who people are).
1. I am....male ....female
2. I ....white ....hispanic ....oriental ....other
3. I live on....east side....west side
4. I live ....suburb
5. I read, High Gear....regularly or often....sometimes ....seldom
....never or almost never.
6. I have....never gone to or utilized the Gay Communtity Center
....have gone or utilize it
Thak you for your time and attention. The GCC will attempt to provide feed-back regarding the results of the survey in a future issue of HIGH GEAR
see the Governor take a firm position on this human rights issue."
The national significance of Brown's order was emphasized by Anthony Silvestre, chairperson of the Pennsylvania Council on Sexual Minorities, the state agency in Pennsylvania authorized to monitor compliance with the first such order ever issued.
Silvestre stated, "News of Governor Brown's order is encouraging. Coupled with the recent executive orders of various may-
ors throughout the country, it is clear that change through the executive branch is proving to be a successful method of securing rights for lesbians and gay men."
cases of domestic violence reported and the relationship of the victim and the offender.
Couples recognized
Late in 1978, the Ohio General Assembly passed a law aimed at protecting victims of domestic violence and gay couples are protected.
The bill, Amended Substitute House Bill 835. establishes the crime of domestic violence against "family or household members." As used in the bill, the term "family or household member" is defined as "a spouse. person living as a spouse, parent, child, or other person related by consanguinity or affinity, who is residing or has resided with the offender."
This definition is sufficiencly broad to cover gay or lesbian coupples. Several members of the legislature were cognizant of that fact, and there was no
opposition to it.
The major provisions of this law are: 1) a requirement that police officers receive at least fifteen hours of training in the handling of domestic disputes; 2) an authority for county court judges to issue protective orders on behalf of victims of violence in order to prevent the offender from remaining at home with the⚫ victim; 3) creates the crime of domestic violence, a misdemeanor of the first degree (up to six months in jail and/or $1000). 4) requires county sheriffs, for a period of four years, to maintain records on the number of cases of domestic violence reported and the relationsip of.. the victim and the offender
L.J. Hershkoff & Susan Holland Attorneys and Counselors at Law Civil Rights.Commercial.Criminal. Discrimination Divorces. Custody.Wills. Talks on Gay & Feminist Issues Personal Injury. Employment Consultation and Litigation Call for appointment: 1001 Euclid Ave., Suite 610 (216) 241-1350
Cleveland, Ohio 44115
Mon-Sat. 6-2:30 Sunday 3-2:30 Sunday Brunch 3-8
(614) 461-4110